Real Estate (C)
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Total Results: 345
C & C Properties
269 Main W , North Bay, ON705-472-5346705-472-5346Real Estate -
C C F Property Management Rental Office
119 Pine Street S , Timmins, ON P4N 2K3705-267-1007705-267-1007Real Estate -
C. Ashley Realty Inc.
500-918 Dundas St E , Mississauga, ON L4Y 4H9905-897-8777905-897-8777Real Estate -
C.D.P. Real Estate Limited
201-5 McIntosh Dr , Markham, ON L3R 8C7905-475-1433905-475-1433Real Estate -
124A av Gatineau , Gatineau, QC J8T 4J6819-661-3148819-661-3148Real Estate -
Cadillac Fairview
500-20 Queen St W , Toronto, ON M5H 3R4416-598-8200416-598-8200Real Estate -
Cadillac Fairview Corporation
PO Box 511, Toronto, ON M5B 2H1416-598-8700416-598-8700Real Estate -
Calloway Real Estate Investment Trust
700 Applewood Crescent , Vaughan, ON905-326-6400905-326-6400Real Estate -
Calloway REIT (Hopedale) Inc.
230-1515 Rebecca St , Oakville, ON L6L 5G8905-827-7146905-827-7146Real Estate -
Cambridge Centre
355 Hespeler Rd , Cambridge, ON N1R 6B3519-624-0004519-624-0004Real Estate -
Cambridge Hotel and Conference
700 Hespeler Rd , Cambridge, ON N3H 5L8519-622-1505519-622-1505Real Estate, Accommodation and Food Services -
Camp Kawartha
1010 Birchview Rd , Douro-Dummer, ON K0L 2H0705-652-3860705-652-3860Real Estate, Services -
Campanale Homes
1187 Bank St , Ottawa, ON K1S 3X7613-730-7000613-730-7000Real Estate -
Campus Living Centres
555 First Avenue , Welland, ON L3C 7L4905-735-0585905-735-0585Real Estate -
Campus Living Centres Inc.
300-1471 John Counter Blvd , Kingston, ON K7M 8S8613-389-9700613-389-9700Real Estate -
Can Xl Realty
847 Miriam Road , Pickering, ON L1W 1X7905-839-8777905-839-8777Real Estate -
Canada Group Realty
860 College St , Toronto, ON M6H 1A2416-532-5400416-532-5400Real Estate -
Canada Trust
Homefront Realty, 245 King George Road , Brantford, ON N3R 7N7226-400-1588226-400-1588Real Estate -
Canadian Business Services Ltd.
3300 Gregoire Road , Russell, ON613-725-6466613-725-6466Real Estate -
Canadian Condominium Institute-Windsor Essex Chapter
1700 Golfview Dr , Windsor, ON519-978-3237519-978-3237Real Estate
Canadian Lakehead Exhibition
425 Northern Ave , Thunder Bay, ON P7C 2V7807-622-6473807-622-6473Real Estate, Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Canal City Realty Ltd Brokerage
15 Albert St W , Thorold, ON905-227-5544905-227-5544Real Estate -
Candace Cook, Sales Representative
, Aurora, ON905-717-9131905-717-9131Real Estate -
Canderel Commercial Services
427-777 Bay St Box 108, Toronto, ON M5G 2C8416-597-1221416-597-1221Real Estate -
Canderel Management Inc.
1750-360 Albert St , Ottawa, ON K1R 7X7613-287-3444613-287-3444Real Estate -
Candles Banquet & Conv Cntr
18-1224 Dundas St E , Mississauga, ON L4Y 4A2905-848-3388905-848-3388Real Estate, Accommodation and Food Services -
Cando Apartments Ltd.
102-25 Duncanwoods Dr , Toronto, ON M9L 2C5416-746-7342416-746-7342Real Estate -
CAP REIT Churchill Townhomes
90 Churchill Street , Waterloo, ON519-886-6828519-886-6828Real Estate -
CAP REIT Highland Towers Apartments
200 White Oaks Court , Whitby, ON905-668-7332905-668-7332Real Estate -
CAP REIT Lindsay & Parker Towers Apartments
45 Bredin Parkway , Orangeville, ON519-940-3636519-940-3636Real Estate -
Capital Concierge Ltd
904 Lady Ellen Pl , Ottawa, ON K1Z 5L5613-722-1232613-722-1232Real Estate, Services -
Capital Self Storage (2004)
E-75 Breezehill Ave N , Ottawa, ON K1Y 2H6613-728-0255613-728-0255Real Estate, Rental and Leasing Services, Transportation and Warehousing -
Capitalink Property Managemen
300-10 Milner Business Crt , Scarborough, ON M1B 3C6416-502-9800416-502-9800Real Estate -
Capitol Event Theatre
2492 Yonge St , Toronto, ON M4P 2H7416-322-3322416-322-3322Real Estate -
Capitol Theatre
PO Box 416 Stn Main, Port Hope, ON L1A 3Z3905-885-1071905-885-1071Real Estate -
401-11 Church St , Toronto, ON M5E 1W1416-861-9404416-861-9404Real Estate -
102-355 St Clair Ave W , Toronto, ON M5P 1N5416-961-0024416-961-0024Real Estate -
106-100 Wellesley St E , Toronto, ON M4Y 1H5416-924-5100416-924-5100Real Estate -
804 Clark Blvd , Brampton, ON L6T 2E8905-458-7305905-458-7305Real Estate -
Captain Realty Inc.
102-600 Hwy 7 E , Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B2905-886-7661905-886-7661Real Estate