Marwood Metal Fabrication Ltd.

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Company Information

Company Name
Marwood Metal Fabrication Ltd.
519-688-1144 519-688-1144
Contact Person
Mr Chris Wood (Pres/CEO President)
Mr Erwin Hawel (Sec-Treas Financial)
Mr Leon Thoonen (Dir-Fin Financial)
Mr Paul Smith (Dir-Ops Operations)
Mr Paul Williams (Dir-Sls Sales)
Ms Naomi Hazell (VP-Bus Dev Business Development)
Mr John Palach (Dir-Hum Res Human Resources)
Mr Drew Mulholland (Dir-Eng Engineering)
Mr Ian Demeyere (Dir-Qual Quality Control)
Mr Henry Spanjers (Exec VP Executive Management)
Mailing Address
35 Townline Rd , Tillsonburg, ON N4G 2R5

Company Details

Number of Workers
Over $100 Million
Established Year
Sq. Footage (Workplace)
Industry Sector
- Manufacturer

Products / Services

Products / Services
- Stampings: automotive
- Automotive assembly
- Automotive components
Primary Category:
- Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping
All Categories:
- Motor Vehicle Plastic Parts Manufacturing
- Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
- All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
- Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping
Export Products to
United States, Japan

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