Club (R) Page 3
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Total Results: 148
River Club Chapeau
7243 Rte 148 , L'Isle-aux-Allumettes, ON819-689-5311819-689-5311Accommodation and Food Services -
River Edge Golf Club
245 Edgehill Dr , Kitchener, ON N2P 2C8519-650-1381519-650-1381Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
River Valley Golf & Country
4725 Elginfield Rd RR 3, St Marys, ON N4X 1C6519-225-2329519-225-2329Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverbend Golf & Country Club
8089 Franktown Rd , , ON613-838-5121613-838-5121Accommodation and Food Services -
RiverBend Golf Club
1200 Sandy Somerville Drive , London, ON N6K 5R2519-657-4653519-657-4653Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverdale Fitness
835 Danforth Avenue , Toronto, ON M4J 1L2416-406-1944416-406-1944Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverdale Martial Arts Centre
838 Broadview Avenue , Toronto, ON M4K 2R1647-769-3654647-769-3654Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverdale Park East
550 Broadview Ave , Toronto, ON M4K 2P1416-283-7221416-283-7221Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rivergrove Community Centre
5800 Av River Grove , Mississauga, ON L5M 4R8905-615-4780905-615-4780Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverside Golf Club
837 Riverside Dr , Ajax, ON L1T 3R9905-427-1921905-427-1921Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverside Lanes
182 Union , New Hamburg, ON519-662-1938519-662-1938Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverside Minor Hockey
8787 McHugh , Windsor, ON519-944-0100519-944-0100Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Riverside Sportsmen Club
10835 Riverside Drive East , Windsor, ON519-735-3031519-735-3031Accommodation and Food Services -
Riverstone Golf & Country Club
195 Don Minaker Dr , Brampton, ON L6P 2V1905-794-8483905-794-8483Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
RMA Karate
2 4 Alliance Boulevard , Barrie, ON705-252-9262705-252-9262Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rma Karate Centres
256 Steel Street , Barrie, ON L4M 2G9705-733-5762705-733-5762Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Roanoke Golf Club
610 Biesenthal Road , Petawawa, ON613-735-4444613-735-4444Accommodation and Food Services -
Roberto Carlos Fitness
121 Oxford Street E , London, ON N6A 1T4519-902-6542519-902-6542Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Robin's Donuts
615 Victoria Avenue E , Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1B1807-625-0202807-625-0202Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Robitaille's Academy of Martial Arts
329 King Street E , Kitchener, ON N2G 2L2519-743-4800519-743-4800Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
Rochester Club
RR 1 , Tichborne, ON K0H 2V0613-375-6639613-375-6639Accommodation and Food Services -
Rock Chapel Golf Centre
167 Hwy 5 W , Dundas, ON L9H 5E2905-689-8860905-689-8860Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rockway Golf Course
625 Rockway Dr , Kitchener, ON N2G 3B5519-741-2949519-741-2949Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rockway Vineyards
3290 Ninth St RR 1, St Catharines, ON L2R 6P7905-641-1030905-641-1030Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, Manufacturer, Accommodation and Food Services -
Rockway Vineyards Golf
3290 Ninth St , St Catharines, ON L2R 6P7905-641-4536905-641-4536Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rogers Centre
1 Blue Jays Way , Toronto, ON M5V 1J3416-341-3663416-341-3663Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rolling Acres
2941 Taunton Rd , Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K5905-263-8421905-263-8421Accommodation and Food Services -
Rolling Hills Golf Club
12808 Warden Ave , Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5905-888-1955905-888-1955Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Roma Club
19 Seacliff Drive East , Leamington, ON519-326-9539519-326-9539Accommodation and Food Services -
Root River Golf Club Inc.
85 Old Highway 17 N , Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 0C6705-759-8776705-759-8776Arts, Entertainment and Recreation, Accommodation and Food Services -
Rose City Gymnastics Inc
4365 County Road 42 , Windsor, ON519-972-1619519-972-1619Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rosedale Golf Club
1901 Mount Pleasant Rd , Toronto, ON M4N 2W3416-485-9321416-485-9321Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rosedale Minor Hockey Association
100 Greenhill Avenue , Hamilton, ON L8K 6M4905-545-5555905-545-5555Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rosedale Tennis Club
42 Lawrence Road , Hamilton, ON905-545-5205905-545-5205Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Roseland Bowl
422 Guelph Line , Burlington, ON905-634-9805905-634-9805Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Roseland Golf & Curling Club
455 Kennedy Drive W , Windsor, ON N9G 1S8519-969-3810519-969-3810Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Roseland Health & Fitness
405 Guelph Line , Burlington, ON L7R 3L4289-337-0407289-337-0407Arts, Entertainment and Recreation -
Rotary Club of Aurora
PO Box 71512 RPO Aurora North, Aurora, ON L4G 6S9905-841-1352905-841-1352Services -
Rotary Club Of Brantford
77 Charlotte , Brantford, ON519-753-4317519-753-4317Accommodation and Food Services -
Rotary Club of Burlington
3063 South Service Rd , Burlington, ON L7N 3E9905-521-5171905-521-5171Services