Bakery (B)
Total Results: 45
Bake Tree
315 Flint Rd , North York, ON M3J 2J2416-665-4216416-665-4216Manufacturer -
Bakerberry's Ltd.
3958 Chesswood Dr , North York, ON M3J 2W6416-635-7605416-635-7605Manufacturer, Wholesaler -
Bakery Cafe
328 Queen N , Paisley, ON519-353-5542519-353-5542Accommodation and Food Services -
Bakery Deluxe Company
50 Marmora St , North York, ON M9M 2X5416-746-1010416-746-1010Manufacturer -
Bakery/Confectionery Union
11-6655 Kitimat Rd , Mississauga, ON L5N 6J4905-858-7977905-858-7977Services -
Baking At Its Best
835 Westney Rd S , Ajax, ON L1S 3M4905-686-4032905-686-4032Manufacturer, Wholesaler -
Bartliffs Restaurant & Bakery
46 Albert Street , Central Huron, ON519-482-9727519-482-9727Accommodation and Food Services -
Baxter Kitchens Inc.
426 Nugget Ave , Toronto, ON M1S 4A4416-609-2200416-609-2200Manufacturer -
Bear Buns Bakery
Ontario 35 , Canarvon, ON705-489-1378705-489-1378Accommodation and Food Services -
Beards Coffee Bar & Bakery
587 Kathleen Street , Sudbury, ON P3C 2N4705-222-6866705-222-6866Accommodation and Food Services -
Belleville Bakery Inc.
300 Bell Blvd , Belleville, ON K8P 5H7613-966-9490613-966-9490Manufacturer -
Bennett's Apples & Cider Ltd.
944 Garner Rd E , Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9905-648-6878905-648-6878Manufacturer, Retail -
Bennett's Bakery Ltd.
899 Tungsten St , Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6H2807-344-1632807-344-1632Manufacturer -
best of british bakery
73 Commissioner Street , Larder Lake, ON705-643-2270705-643-2270Accommodation and Food Services -
Big Daddy's Bakery (Div Of Kawartha Wholesale Bakery)
73 Lindsay , , ON705-887-2010705-887-2010Accommodation and Food Services -
Black Walnut Bakery Cafe
724 Richmond Street , London, ON N6A 3H3519-850-2253519-850-2253Accommodation and Food Services -
Black Walnut Bakery Inc.
134 Wortley Rd , London, ON N6C 3N8519-439-2253519-439-2253Manufacturer, Retail -
Blak's Bakery Ltd.
1022 Langlois Ave , Windsor, ON N9A 2H5519-253-4344519-253-4344Manufacturer -
Bonanza Bakery
100 Murray Street, Catharine N & Murray E , Hamilton, ON L8L 3G4905-529-2227905-529-2227Accommodation and Food Services -
Bonnechere Bakery
258 Raglan Street S , Renfrew, ON K7V 1R4613-431-1602613-431-1602Accommodation and Food Services
Bonnechère Bakery
289 Raglan Street South , Renfrew, ON613-433-8998613-433-8998Services -
Boomer's Cosy
14 Clinton St S , Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0519-392-6888519-392-6888Manufacturer, Accommodation and Food Services -
Branded Bites
12-55 Glen Cameron Rd , Thornhill, ON L3T 1P2905-738-1004905-738-1004Manufacturer -
Brazil Bakery and Pastry Ltd.
1566 Dundas St W , Toronto, ON M6K 1T8416-531-2888416-531-2888Manufacturer, Accommodation and Food Services -
Bread & Sons Bakery
195 Bank Street , Ottawa, ON K2P 1W7613-230-5302613-230-5302Accommodation and Food Services -
Bread House Ltd.
5-55 Winges Rd , Woodbridge, ON L4L 6B4905-265-8036905-265-8036Manufacturer -
Bread King Bakeries Limited
31-462 Birchmount Rd , Scarborough, ON M1K 1N8416-690-0372416-690-0372Manufacturer -
Bread-Man of Kingston Ltd.
1296 Bath Rd , Kingston, ON K7M 4X3613-549-7644613-549-7644Manufacturer -
Breadhouse Bakery
1B-893 Bayly St , Pickering, ON L1W 3P6905-420-7517905-420-7517Manufacturer -
Breadko National Baking Ltd.
6310 Kestrel Rd , Mississauga, ON L5T 1Z3905-670-4949905-670-4949Manufacturer -
Breadsource Corporation
1820 Ellesmere Rd , Scarborough, ON M1H 2V5416-289-9600416-289-9600Manufacturer -
Britannia Italian Bakery
5925 Grossbeak Drive , Mississauga, ON905-824-1924905-824-1924Accommodation and Food Services -
Bruno's Bakery and Cafe
808 Innisfil Beach Road , Innisfil, ON L9S 2C3705-431-0606705-431-0606Accommodation and Food Services -
Bruno's Bakery and Cafe
808 Innisfil Beach Road , Innisfil, ON L9S 2C3705-315-1661705-315-1661Accommodation and Food Services -
Bun King Bakeries Ltd.
5-11 Westmore Dr , Etobicoke, ON M9V 3Y6416-746-0724416-746-0724Manufacturer -
Bun King Bakery and Deli
240 Harwood Ave S , Ajax, ON L1S 2H6905-683-0376905-683-0376Manufacturer -
Bun Shoppe Bakery
10 King George Rd , Brantford, ON N3R 5J7519-756-1121519-756-1121Manufacturer -
Buns Master Bakery
256 Silvercreek Pky N , Guelph, ON N1H 1E7519-821-0582519-821-0582Manufacturer -
Buns Master Bakery
130 Howard St , Pembroke, ON K8A 2G5613-732-9425613-732-9425Manufacturer, Retail, Accommodation and Food Services -
Buns Master Bakery
209 Carlton St , St Catharines, ON L2R 1S1905-682-6848905-682-6848Manufacturer